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Archive for ‘I Knew That!’

Put on your thinking acps. Well, not too tightly because this is a questions ANYONE should be able to answer!  That’s why it’s called, “I Knew That!” Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right to reveal the answer)=======>  “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”


Happy Halloween! Answer: (Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right of the arrow to reveal the answer)===============>Casper  


For all my Chicago peeps.:)   Answer: (Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right of the arrow to reveal the answer)===============> Second City, Chi-Town, Chicagoland, City of Broad Shoulders, That Toddlin’ Town


Remember this Apple product? Answer: (Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right of the arrow to reveal the answer)===============> The Newton. It was a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)   


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There are probably several answers to this I Knew That! question.  I guess it depends on your age.  As a hint, think waaaaay back. Answer: (Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right of the arrow to reveal the answer)===============> Transistor radio.


Football has started.  But, it’s still Baseball season!   Answer: (Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right of the arrow to reveal the answer)===============> Run


The United States of America is the world’s largest supplier of Helium.


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See if the answer to today’s I Knew That! floats into your mind. Answer tomorrow!


Raid is the brand of bug spray that uses the tag line, “Kills bugs dead.”


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Summer is drawing to a close and we’ll have no further need of bug sprays, etc.   Answer tomorrow!
