computer virusI was surfing the internet just the other day when web site popped up. It wanted to install the Connectbar add-on to my Firefox browser. I merely deleted the page and moved on.

Connectbar is not a listed Firefox add-on.  But it does appear to be a legitimate website.  However, once installed, Connectbar takes over your web browser’s search engine function.  You may not want this to happen.

Anyway, had I been on a Windows system, Internet Explorer or Firefox would have been easily compromised by this site.  Before I knew it, Connectbar, most likely, would have installed whether I wanted it to or not.

And this happens with Windows quite a bit.  In most cases, Windows is run at the administrative level.  This leaves Windows wide open.  If you happen to hit a website, legitimate or not, software may automatically install on your system.

But, because I was using Linux, the code that powers the Connectbar web site had no idea where to go on my system.  It sorta stalled out.  Plus, I would have to give any third party software application administrative access to actually install (if it could) on my system. Well, that’s just not going to happen.

Linux gets all its software from it’s own repository. You don’t have to second guess websites regarding their software downloads.

It appears that ConnectBar’s web redirect ads have been prevalent on the website They posted this notice.

You can also read more about it here and here.

Here’s the thing. Simply get Linux.  Once you run Linux, all these problems disappear.  No more viruses, no more hijacks, no more spyware, no more redirects.

With Linux, you’re in control, not other websites.


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