Copyright 2012 Mark Szorady.  distributed by

Copyright 2012 Mark Szorady. distributed by

Double Take is another feature I draw for It’s a fun game panel where you compare the two almost identical drawings and find the differences between them. It’s one of those features whereby, once I start drawing it, I really can’t stop.  I keep adding little elements and details here and there.  And, I get to draw just about anything I want.  I sometimes just jump in and start drawing and see where it leads me.  As I draw a scene, I come up with the differences as I go. There’s not a lot of planning.  Sure, sometimes I do plan ahead, but for the most part, I edit and create as I go.

Now, did you find all the differences?  You can check the answers here. (Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right to reveal the answer)======> (1) Hair different; (2)Mouth different; (3) Shirt collar missing; (4) Card in hand smaller; (5) Shirt cuff missing; (6) Keypad smaller; (7) Bush missing


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