George and Wiley check out Linux.

George and Wiley check out Linux.

As many of you know, I’m a Linux user and advocate.  It’s a great operating system.  Linux is safe, secure, and free. But best of all, it’s supported by a terrific community of volunteers and users.

You meet these folks through online forums. To get started using and understanding Linux, simply visit one of the many community forums. Create an account, introduce yourself, and jump into the conversation. New users are always welcome. And, there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Everyone, at one time, was a Linux beginner. There’s even an area within the forums dedicated to beginners. It’s sort of the “Bunny Slope” of Linux.

If you recall when first learning Windows or Mac, you had a lot of questions on how to perform certain tasks, save files, play video and music, etc. You probably asked friends who were more experienced in using Windows or Mac. You asked them and they gave you an answer. Pretty soon, through daily use and experience, you became the friend who gave answers to new Windows or Mac users.

The forums are the same thing. It’s a place where friends meet to exchange information about Linux, get answers, and offer answers and help to others. The only difference, instead of the help coming from a next door neighbor, you’re getting it from an online neighbor.

These online neighbors take you under their wing, show you the ropes of how Linux runs, answer your questions, and generally de-mystify this wonderful operating system. I like to call it, “E Mentoring.” Because the internet is your main pipeline to the Linux community and its many instructors.

So, give Linux a try! Download it and, at the very least, run the Live CD.  Join a forum and meet other Linux users. Once you try Linux and see how easy it is to use, you’ll wonder why you didn’t use it earlier! You’ll be free of Window viruses, malware, and spyware. (Linux is immune to these Windows problems.)

And, pretty soon, you’ll be the one doing the E Mentoring.

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Discussion (3) ¬

  1. ElCuervo

    Nowadays there are many good help forums with friendly folks available, but one of the many reasons PCLinuxOS stopped my distro-hopping dead in its tracks was the friendliness of the forum members. Four years later, and it’s still that way – there’s never a “bunny slope” problem that gets a rude reply, and there are a great many people with ginormous knowledge and miles of patience.

  2. Jaffer

    I’ve used Linux for approximately 10 years. OpenSuse has always been my favourite.
    But I also need to use Windows every day for work: most engineering and design software only run on Windows.

    Sadly, it was in the not so far past when Unix was a favoured OS for many engineers working on “Blade Servers”

    Found you via “Cabbages n Kings

  3. Mark

    @ ElCuervo. I heartily agree! that’s been my exact experience with PCLinuxOS!:)

    @Jaffer. I’ve been using Linux about six years. As you probably know, there are ways to run Linux and still have access to Windows when needed. For instance, I run an IcyDock ( on my system, so I can swap Windows in and out if I need to.

    However, I’ve opted for simply running WinXP in Virtualbox. I can then do that specific task that requires Windows and still do so within the safety and security of Linux.:)

    I’ll be blogging about this in the near future.

    Glad you found me via CnK!:) Thanks!:)

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