Hello, World! Commemorative T-Shirt

Hello, World! Commemorative T-Shirt

I wanted to do something to remember exactly when this blog took flight on the web.  It suddenly hit me that a T-shirt might be a nice way to mark the day.  So, here it is!  The Hello, World! commemorative T-Shirt featuring George!

It’s a neat little piece of cartoon art with George waving out to the world with the words, “Hello, World!” underneath and the date the blog debuted.

I used “Hello, World!” because that was the title of my first official post.  Yeah, I had one post just before “Hello, World!”  But that was just a place holder to while the blog was being developed.  Besides, “Welcome to Georgetoon.com!” doesn’t fit on a T-shirt as easily as “Hello, World!”

The shirts are now available in the George Store or get it by clicking here.

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