
As a cartoonist, the number one question I get is, “Where do you get your ideas?” And that’s an easy question to answer.

Ideas come to me when I’m engaged in doing everyday activities. During the morning shower or shave. Perhaps when I’m driving my car. When I’m out for a walk or exercising.  Ideas come to me when I’m just doodling on a piece of paper.  Sometimes, I’ll sketch something and, just out of the blue, it’ll turn into an idea for my comic strip or other comic feature.

Ideas come to me when I’m not really looking for them.  But it’s almost always when I’m concentrating on doing some other activity.

This is why I posted a picture of my shaving stand.  It’s that early morning routine when ideas are most likely to pop into my head.  And since switching to a wet shaving routine (with a double edge razor), I’ve slowed down the morning shave a bit.  And this gives me more time to allow my mind to wander and toss around various items on my  to do list for the upcoming day.  And that leads to ideas!

Now, if you’re a guy and you’re using disposable razors, cartridge razors, or electric razors, give a safety razor a second look.  In the long run, you’ll save tons of money and you’ll get an amazing shave!

I switched back and not only do I get a great shave, but lots of ideas for cartoons!

Here’s what I recommend:

The Vikings Blade Razor.   For the money, absolutely the best razor out there.  Seriously, I love this razor.  Read my full review on amazon and then buy one for yourself.  You will not regret it.  My first shave had no nicks, cuts, or burns.  Amazing.  I’m still learning proper technique, etc.  Just remember to use a good lather, hold the razor at the proper 30 degree angle, and use a light touch.

The Art of Shaving soap.  A great soap that lathers up nicely and it comes in a terrific teak wood bowl.

The Art of Shaving Pre-shave oil.  This is a MUST!

Want some really nice, top-shelf shaving products?  Then check out The Art of Shaving’s online store and experience the perfect shave!

A Good Shaving Brush.  Just starting out with DE shaving?  The Perfecto brush is a perfect brush and available at a perfect price.  Are you a more experienced shaver and need something new?    Then check this brush from The Art of Shaving.

An Alum Block.  This will absolutely heal nicks and cuts plus minimize razor burn.  However, if you use the pre-shave oil and a good soap that lathers well, you won’t have to worry about razor burn that much.

After-shave Balm.  You can go with Neutrogena or Bulldog.  I really like The Art of Shaving’s Sandalwood after-shave balm.

A Blade Bank.  This is for the safe disposal of used razor blades.  I bought mine from West Coat Shaving for a buck.   Amazon also sells one.   Now, if you live in an older home, you just may already have one built in, which is how they disposed of used razor blades in years past.

You can get all the above items (except the blade bank) at The Shave Stop.

There are plenty of tutorials on how to shave with a safety razor.  Youtube is loaded with them.  But this one is absolutely THE best.


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