linux birthday double take

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Last week, the Linux operating system celebrated its 20th birthday!

In the last 20 years, Linux has grown into a real force in computing.

If you used Google today, you used Linux.  If you used your Android phone or tablet, you used Linux.

Linux is everywhere!  It power cell phones, computers, servers, tabelts, DVRs, and many other gadgets that we take for granted in our day to day hustle and bustle.

And Linux performs it’s technological duties with a gret degre of security and stability.

Linux is working for you each day.  so why not make the jump and dump your Windows computer?  Get Linux and experience the freedom from Windows viruses, spyware, and Trojans.

With Linux, you’ll have security, stability, and thousands of free software apps.  Plus, you’ll actually own your operating system.

To celebrate Linux hitting 20, I uploaded a special birthday Double Take cartoon.

Answer: (Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right of the arrow to reveal the answer)==============>  1. Hat different  2. Spot on dog’s back missing  3. Table legs different  4. Birthday gift missing  5. Candle flame smaller  6. Tail shorter  7. Collar smaller


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