Get Linux

Get Linux

I love Linux!  I’ve been using this free, open source operating system for six years now.  Part of the fun of the Linux experience is trying out and using any number of different distributions.  Each has its own particular twist and personality.   For instance, desktop environments and specific installed applications may vary.  But, at base level, all are Linux.

I started out using a Linux distribution called Mandrake.   This was back in 2004.  Since then Mandrake has changed its name to Mandriva.  You can read about the name change and how it came about here.

Anyhow, I bought a USB hard drive with Mandrake pre-installed.   All I had to do was plug it into my Windows system, boot, and Mandrake Linux would run.  This method left my Windows hard drive and files untouched.  Running Linux from a separate hard drive enabled me to move back and forth.  I could run Windows, reboot, and then jump into Linux.   So, I continued to use Windows 98 but was still learning and using Linux.

From this point, I started downloading Linux ISOs and running Live CDs.  Running a Live CD is a great way to test Linux.  Simply pop the CD in your CD-ROM drive, reboot, and the disk will spin up and launch Linux.  You can then run Linux right from the Live CD.  Your Windows system and files will not be touched.  You can then test drive Linux making sure it runs all your hardware.  If you want to install Linux to your hard drive, Live CDs have a one click install icon on the desktop.  Which is what I eventually did.  I made the big step and installed Linspire  Linux on my Windows system as a dual boot.  So, instead of plugging in a separate Linux  hard drive, I split my internal hard drive in half. One side ran Windows, the other side ran Linux.

Pretty soon, I was running Linux more than Windows.  Now, I only run Linux on my studio desktop.  Specifially, I’m runing what I and many consider to be the best Linux distro!  PCLiniuxOS! It’s a great Linux distribution, easy to install and use,  and has a terrific community of folks to help you along!

All my cartoons are created on a PCLinuxOS/Linux system.  Linux has all the tools! From desktop publishing (Scribus) to photo editing (Gimp).  And all the software is free!  I’ll discuss Linux software in future blog posts.

I do everything with Linux. There are a few instances where I need Windows, but Linux handles this easily, as well.  Again, more on this in future posts.

And did I mention that Linux is immune to Windows viruses, malware, trojans and pop ups?   When you run Linux, you’ll have no need to run anti-virus software!

So, get Linux!  Download a flavor and take it for a test drive!

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