strokeWhen I’m drawing one of my cartoon features, there are times when I need to digitally create a specific shape. Well, The Gimp can draw these different shapes. It only takes a couple of clicks. You use any of the selection tools and a command called Stroke Selection. You can use any color line or paintbrush in the toolbox and brush options. Step one is to make a selection. In the example at right, I used the circle selection tool. Then, right click on the selection’s marching ants outline and select Edit > Stroke Selection. When the dialog box pops up, you have options that allow you to draw a solid line or select a specific paintbrush (use the toolbox and brush options). Using paintbrush/pencil line sizes, you can vary the thickness of the outline being painted. In this example, I’ve used the sunburst paintbrush to draw around the selection outline.

Editor’s note: Mark Szorady is a Linux user and contributor to PCLinuxOS Magazine.  He writes a column called Mark’s Quick Gimp Tip where he discusses various tools and tips when using the The Gimp (the free Open Source graphics app).  Mark also contributes his game panel Double Take to the magazine.  You can download a copy of  PCLinuxOS Magazine at


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