I Knew That LOL

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Right now, as of this writing, I’m in my studio working on some new I Knew That! cartoon game panels.  So, I thought I’d share one more with you.

I really enjoy creating this feature for newspapers. I love thinking up the questions and especially enjoy adding the cartoon that may, from time to time, give an extra hint.

And readers have responded positively to it.  I Knew That! is quickly becoming a favorite feature in their local newspaper.

I guess the reason is that the questions are so doggone easy. Anyone can answer them!  But don’t get too over confident.  There’s that one moment where you may just have a bit a brain freeze and can’t quite think of the answer.

That’s when you have the I Knew That! moment. You’ll find yourself saying to yourself, “I knew that!”

Answer: (Click, hold down, and move your mouse to the right of the arrow to reveal the answer)===============>Laugh Out Loud.


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