Even though I favor going to thrift stores and picking up second-hand bowls to use as shaving bowls, a lot of Wet Shavers have commented on my channel that they’d really like to have a nice wooden shaving bowl.

Well, I found one that is quite affordable and comes with three pucks of soap!

And I can understand. There’s something so very nice and elegant about a wooden shaving bowl.

A nice wooden shaving bowl, as part of your shaving gear, really is a must have item.

Three Lime Shave Soaps And Kingsley Shave Bowl Dark Wood: http://amzn.to/2nUJHZU

VIKINGS BLADE The Godfather Safety Razor:  http://amzn.to/2nSTyLt

VIKINGS BLADE The Chieftain Safety Razor: http://amzn.to/2nB1d4Z

The Shave Stop:  https://goo.gl/JE4FeG


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