I’m really getting into wet shaving.  so much so, that, yes, I’m actually shooting videos about the various products I use.

Well, the reason is, wet shaving (also know as “DE Shaving” or “double edge shaving”) is becoming quite popular again.  And there is an air of mystery around it.   My father always said that a safety razor and lathered soap delivered the very best shave.  He was right.  The problem was, he never gave me any instruction in the proper technique.  Hence, I hacked up my face and quickly moved to disposable razors and then electric razors.

Whether it was cartooning or Linux, there was always a bit of mystery surrounding the process.  And I had to dig a bit to learn how to cartoon or how to install Linux to a computer.

It’s the same thing with wet shaving.  But youtube comes to the rescue!  There are thousands of videos on youtube which give you proper technique, top products, reviews, etc.

And these videos and written reviews are my way of helping others who REALLY want to learn how to shave with a safety razor, shaving cream, and a shaving bowl.

And, of course, you can get the Vikings Blade Razor at The Shave Stop.




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