Subscribe offers fun cartoon packages for your newspaper publication! For one low price, you can get the Georgetoon package of cartoons which includes Mark Szorady's hilarious comic strip George along with game panels Double Take, Word Pile, George's Word Ladder, and I Knew That!
You can get a sample of the complete Georgetoon package by clicking here (PDF). also features the cartoon work of Polly Keener. The Pollytoon package consists of the comic strip Hamster Alley and game panels Mystery Mosaic and Sudoku Happi. Again, at an affordable price.
You can get a sample of the complete Pollytoon package by clicking here (PDF).
All our features for print publication are first run (no web reruns!)!
Our features are packaged in a digital file available for download 24/7!
Contact us today! Get George and more for your newspaper, magazine or newsletter!